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Simi ...

 I live in Northern Californa, but grew up in  Brooklyn, NYC. 


I was a Yeshiva girl, a teacher, a computer scientist, and now I'm a Writer. I've always written, only now I actually admit it.  In capital letters!  

I'm also a mother, and a wife.  A hiker.  A coffee drinker. A story teller. An avid reader.  And, I hope, a good friend. 

My favorite places are on top of a hill, or on a beach. 

Best way to get a hold of me would be at my email:

Goldie ...

Goldie Mandell is opinionated, assertive, and stuck in an Assisted Living Facility. But even surrounded by schleppers with walkers, pictures of sunrises and fancy fish tanks, and an array of daily activities to complement the tepid tea and stale cookies on offer, her salt-free plate is full. She’s got a granddaughter to settle, an eager love interest named Harry to subdue, and precious memories of her happy marriage to fellow Holocaust survivor Mordy to draw upon. Maxie Jacobsen is young, brilliant, and newly single, not by choice. But she’s got her science career, a grandmother to care for, and her whole life ahead of her. When Maxie takes on the role of her grandmother’s medical advocate, she has no idea Goldie operates with the single purpose of securing Maxie with Dr. Right. Instead, Maxie is distracted by her grandmother’s unexpectedly charming long-haired sandal-wearing, peculiarly-named driver, T-Jam Bin Naumann, definitely wrong in every way.  

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